Welcome to Woking Cougars Football Club

Our philosophy is that football should be accessible to all and our core objectives are the following;

  • We want to inspire children to be confident, respectful players who aspire to reach their full potential in football whilst learning some positive life skills

  • We want to improve players' individual skills and teach them to recognise that they are working as part of a team and that collectively we are stronger and more effective together

  • We want supporters and coaches to work together for the betterment of each player, where the coaches coach, supporters support, and players play football in a positive, fun but appropriately challenging environment

We aim to promote a positive atmosphere at all times and we are proud of our strong reputation throughout Surrey for our team spirit, togetherness, and style of play.  

We believe football should be enjoyed by all, regardless of race, colour, religion, or gender.

Welcome and please take a moment to look around our club website

Dan Cefai


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